Modern Financial Planning

Modern financial planning improves your financial planning experience, providing you with better results.

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Are you dreaming of something more? We build financial plans that help make your dreams a reality.

Financial planning is a collaborative process that helps maximize the potential for you to achieve your life’s goals through integrated financial advice. Modern financial planning does this while improving on your experience to get the absolute best results. Let’s talk a little bit more about what that looks like.

With traditional financial planning, sometimes it may feel like you’re dealing with a black box. As you upload your statements and fill out some questionnaires, the black box will spit out your financial plan.

This one-time plan is a really good start, but it is also a static document. It looks at today and then projects out 50 plus years into the future.

Additionally, it can be very overwhelming. A traditional comprehensive financial plan can be 80 pages long. This is great as it provides you with a lot of information. It gives you the charts and data for these 50 years of projections, as well as looks at different scenarios. But it can also be overwhelming and difficult to turn into meaningful action.

So let’s talk about modern financial planning and how that’s different.

First, we do start with the traditional comprehensive financial plan. However, we build it slightly differently. One, we take an interactive approach. We sit down with you and the financial planning software so that we can tweak goals and strategies together to build a plan that best suits your life.

Next, as we live in a very dynamic world, we want a dynamic plan. We bring in new data daily and update plans annually so that your plan reflects and adjusts to the changes around us.

And lastly, we don’t want it to be overwhelming. We want to simplify things. We provide one-page summaries at the end of each quarterly meeting so that you know what is most important right now for you to achieve your life’s goals.

If you’re interested in experiencing modern financial planning, please schedule a complimentary meeting at Our Financial Independence Framework is built to help you realize the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Our videos share tips and advice on all topics that help you meet your financial goals.